Our Club

* Renewing RSO Certification – see below * Correction – Tuesday, December 10, 11 o’clock will be stocking the lake with Trout * Trap Closed until further notice – see below * HAPPY THANKSGIVING & A MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY HANUKKAH * See All Again In January! *
Bethlehem Rod & Gun Club

Bethlehem Rod & Gun Club

In 1941 the Club started in the basement of the Bethlehem Presbyterian Church on Rt 94 heading into Washingtonville NY as a 22 league; hence the name.

Our first deed in Plattekill (for 86 acres) was 1984; with our current club house built in 1985.

We currently own 7 parcels of land totaling 186 acres.

Members enjoy; hunting, fishing, trap, pistol & rifle range, archery, and boating.

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Youth Pheasant Hunt

Youth Pheasant Hunt

On Oct 19th the Club holds its annual Youth Pheasant Hunt from 9a-12/1P at the Leased land. No adult hunting until after 1PM. The event is open to all Youths 16 years and younger. They must have NYS Safety and Hunting License. Blaze Orange is required (hat at minimum). Please contact Chairperson Bob Bready to pre-register the youth or if you plan to help out or bring a working dog.I need to make sure we have enough dogs etc. Helpers are needed and welcome. It is a great day to get the youngsters involved.  They will have shots and should (no guarantees) get some birds.

Any questions and to register (youth and Dogs) please call and leave info with Bob Bready (845-883-5935).

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From President

Attention All Members:

Due to regular notifications by email and texts to our members

by criminal outsiders asking for various forms of money-


Our President and any officer/board member/Chair will never contact you directly for

money. Under no circumstance ever purchase and send any type of cash cards or send through any link requested.

If you have any questions on a communication- call Tony Sorentino direct to verify.

You will always notice that the sender email on these communications is not any of the 

legitimate emails listed on our site or newsletter.


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2024 Pheasant Hunting

Bethlehem Rod and Gun Pheasant Hunting 2024

SO we have leased the —- Farm again this year. We will continue to stock pheasants on weekends in Oct and have one weekend in November and January. The club stocks both pheasant and chukars. Since we are a lease and not a preserve, we must adhere to NYS Hunting Rules. There is a 2 pheasant per day limit. There is also a 2 chukar per day limit. Stocking is done on the scheduled days at 7am. Helpers are always needed. It is a great way to learn the property, get in some work hours and of course be there at 9am to start hunting. Last year we had a great turn out and we need to sign in and out and list the birds, taken so I can report to the board the usage and success rates. It is important to report so we can justify the budget.

                The stocking schedule and lease rules are below

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Pheasant Season Rules & Schedule

2024 Pheasant Season

Bird Lease Rules

  1. Lease hunting hours are 9am till sunset
    1. Lease use is the release dates and the week following.
    1. Lease is for birds only- no other game is authorized.
  2. Lease is for club members only- no guests or family members allowed.
  3. All members must sign in, record dates and times, record take and sign out.
  4. Members must wear club button during hunting.
  5. Members must have NYS hunting license, display back tag and wear hunter orange.
  6. Eye protection must be worn.
  7. All firearms must remain unloaded until safely in the fields.
  8. No hunting or discharge within 500 feet of house.
  9. All dogs must be in control at all times.
    1. Aggressive or out of control dogs will be asked to leave.
  10. Be aware farm has cows, ducks, guinea hens and domestic turkeys.
  11. Keep the lease clean
    1. Pick up empty shot shell hulls
    1. Remove garbage-if you brought it in, take it out.
  12. All members must sign out and record take and time.
  13. Park in allocated parking area.
  14. Head of stocking work detail will sign off on work hours.
    1. Members must present membership card at time of work detail.
  15. Members not complying with rules may face DISCPLINARY ACTIONS AND POSSIBLE EXPULSION FROM THE CLUB. The Board of Directors will review any complaints and has final decision.
  16. No use of the property for any reason other than authorized bird hunting.
  17. Bird Limit is 2 pheasant daily and 2 chukar daily.


10/05/24                              50 Pheasant                    20 Chukar

10/12/24                              50 Pheasant                    20 Chukar

                                    10/19/24  (Youth Day)      45 Pheasant                   20 Chukar

                                    10/20/24                              30 Pheasant

                                    10/26/24                               50 Pheasant                   20 Chukar

                                    11/02/24                              50 Pheasant       

 01/11/25                             25 Pheasant

Stocking is at 7am on the date above.  Lease is at the  Hoekstra Farm, Hoekstra Ln, Montgomery NY.

Hunting starts at 9am, thru sundown

Badges must be worn at all times.

Limit is 2 Pheasant and 2 chukar per day per person.

NYS Hunting License/backtag and club badge are required. Hunter Orange required.

Youth Day  Saturday Oct 19  hunting for youth 16 years and under only until 1PM. Adults after 1PM. Please register your youth by calling the Chairperson Bob Bready 845-883-5935

Please register your youth by calling the Chairperson Bob Bready 845-883-5935

Any questions, or concerns, please direct them to:
Bob Bready
Pheasant Chairperson

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Attention all Members Due to the early snow- Trap shooting has ended for the season. We will post when it will begin again in 2025. Thanks for your participation. Any questions please contact Mike Hall.

                        Contact Mike Hall with questions 845-565-5881

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Veterans Assistance

Seeking Veterans to Assist with Upcoming Elections: Earn Up to $200 Per Day

  • Veterans can receive around $200 per day serving as a county poll worker.
  • More than 50% of counties report a shortage of poll workers during an election cycle.

It’s easy for Veterans to apply to be poll workers

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Rifle Pistol Range Chairman Ralf DiTrocchio is looking to compile a list of all club members that are certified NRA RSO’s.

Please contact Ralph with your info and expiration date of your current certificate. Note that certificate needs to be renewed every two years.

Ralph DiTrocchio 845-774-9335 rafd45@hotmail.com

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Renewing RSO Certification

Attention All Members Renewing RSO Certification

Class to be held at the Clubhouse on:

September 21,2024

8 am to 4 pm

Class limited to the first 15 members to sign up.

The 150 fee is being waived for all participants

as long as the Club member is a current NRA member.

Contact: Julio DeLeon at: 845-401-5108

Thank You

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Fishing Shootout

We’re having a shootout March 30th from 7 AM to 2 PM .

It will be $10 a person.

We will be serving breakfast and lunch,

So come on, get out of your house and enjoy a good day of fishing.

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Kioti Tractor

Attention All Members:

There is now an authorized operator list for the Kioti tractor.

No one is permitted to use unless you are approved and listed.

Any questions, call Greg Fischer (Chairman Grounds and Maintenance)

Thank You.

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Bethlehem Rod and Gun Club is looking for a Few Good Members

Members needed to step up and assist with leading club events. There are plenty of workers willing to step in and help work the events but need a leader to Chair the event. The Club has many members who have helped out and will gladly back you up and assist with the work and create a great event. Events such as the Family Day, Pig Roast and events you can think up are waiting for a Chair to lead the event. We and many members are ready to join and work the event. We need to get work hours and will help you out. So please step up and contact Tony Sorrentino (the President) and volunteer your efforts. Do your part to help make this Club a better place and have fun.

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Hunting Reminder

To all Members,

Hunting Rules

Hunting on Bethlehem Rod and Gun Property is for members only. All hunters must abide by all NYS Hunting and trapping rules. Failure to do so could lead to expulsion from the club.

It is the hunter’s responsibility to know where they are and to hunt only on club owned property.

Any stand or blind (tree or ground) is not to be left up year-round. Fall Hunting (deer, turkey) stands can be placed no earlier than Sep 1st and must me be removed by Jan 31st. Spring Turkey stands can be placed April 15th and must be taken down by June 15.

Stands are to be labelled with the Member’s Name, badge number and phone number. Unlabeled stands are subject to be confiscated by the club.

Please sign in and out when using the club property- it is for your own safety.

If you have any questions, please contact the Board of Directors.

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Top Gun Drawing


Starting Sales 1-6-24

Bethlehem Rod & Gun Club





One Drawing for $6500.00 Cash

***Only 50 Tickets Sold***

Donations $200.00

 Drawing is 4-29-2024

                  TOP GUN DRAWING

Name    ______________________

Phone #______________________

Badge #______________________

Contact Mike Schetter for more info 845 453-6666 or

for tickets see a Board Member

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President’s Club A & B

Bethlehem Rod and Gun Club

Tickets for ALL raffles go on sale at the Club

Starting 1-6-2024

Saturday mornings from 10 am to 2 pm

A – club-$ 100,00 for 12 monthly drawings of $1000,00

B – club $50,00 for 12 monthly drawings of $500,00


Thank you

N. Michael Schetter

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Rifle and Pistol Range

Rifle/Pistol Range hours for the month of May 12noon to 9pm.

(Spring Turkey Season) Use the lock box in the range house for guest fees


845 728 2862

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Michael Regulbuto 845-728-2872 MRegulbuto@gmail.com

To check your 5 year NYS pistol recertification go to: https://firearms.troopers.ny.gov/pprecert/.


May 2nd 6:00 PM – 9:30 PM (Click on Photo for Registration Form)

June 6th 6:00 PM – 9:30 PM (Click on Photo for Registration Form)

Cost $75.00 and exclusive to members and their guests up till 3 weeks before the course. 

Please Note: When you registrar at link, $50.00 is deposit, the remaining is due day of class in cash.

“Please make sure you have read the required equipment list and prerequisites.”

In Memory

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A Lighted Candle In Memory of Our Departed Club Members

2025 Raffle


      BRGC Raffle Drawings

THE “A”CLUB RAFFLE DRAWING.  Cost $100.00 per ticket Only 200 tickets sold, 12 consecutive monthly drawings held at club meetings. Prize is $1000.00 cash each month. 1st drawing will be held April 28th 2025

TOP GUN DRAWING. 3 SEPARATE CHANCES TO WIN $6500.00 CASH!!  Cost $200.00 per ticket

Only 50 tickets sold for each separate drawing.




***     Contact any Board Member for ticket sales ***

ALL TICKET SALES START SATURDAY MORNING JAN 4th from 10 am – 2 pm at the club in person

 *** you can always split

a ticket with other members***

Noel Michael Shetter
